Czech Fauna Protection
10. 1. 2021

More help was needed in 2020, than in other years. Not only for this reason, we donated a financial amount to the Ochrana fauny ČR, which provides care for natural sites in the region and organizes nationwide environment protection campaigns.
Why Czech Fauna Protection?
We decided to financially support them for their hard work so that their meritorious activities would achieve even better results in 2021.
Year after year, the number of phone calls for assistance to injured wildlife animals is increasing. Over a thousand injured animals will arrive here throughout the year. Ones which need to be treated and then returned to the wild. These are often abandoned young, the consequences of unfavorable climatic conditions or human activity. But also injuries caused by humans, where employees often encounter poisoning, gunshot wounds, limb amputation etc. They also provide safe transport and crossings for animals (eg frogs).
Not knowing enough about animal issues often causes considerable damage. People often in good faith catch young animals in the belief that they are orphaned. In these and other cases, you can contact the eco-advisory of the Ochrana fauny ČR by phone, e-mail or consult your issue in person. So if you get into a situation where you do not know how to deal with a wild animal, do not hesitate to take the phone and ask the experts.
Join us in helping
Even a little help counts. On the website of the "Ochrana fauny ČR":, you will find various ways you can appreciate their work. You can support the activities of the rescue station and the center for ecological education, just as our real estate agency Philip & Frank did.