Blog 2

How to buy a property abroad? Easily – with us!

“Our LeadingRe membership has opened the door to a wide range of properties abroad for us. As a result, our clients have properties from all parts of the world within their grasp, including all the services that they expect from a premium real estate company.” says Filip Šejvl, Managing Partner of real estate agency Philip & Frank.

Blog 2

Filip Šejvl, Managing Partner of Philip & Frank real estate agency, comments on the LeadingRE Global Symposium in Dubai

Could you briefly describe the LeadingRE Symposium of independent real estate companies, which you participated in at the end of September?

Blog 2

The availability of new and rental flats in Prague is still a problem

There are multiple factors influencing the offer of new flats on the market. In particular, they include low demand, high mortgage interests and still quite high prices of construction work and materials. The situation in rental housing is the exact opposite.

Blog 2


In the first quarter, the real estate market saw a slight recovery. Increased demand went hand in hand with a moderate decrease in interest rates for mortgages. The number of mortgages provided in that period was the highest from last June, when the market became substantially slower.

Blog 2

Spektrum Home

We take care of the properties in our portfolio as if they were our own. That is one of the reasons why we have started working with Spektrum Home Television to prepare special support for selected properties for sale in Prague and its vicinity.

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Spain, Croatia and Austria, or, the sea and the mountains. It is in these locations that the Czechs most frequently buy their investment properties.

Last year, the real estate market was largely influenced by three essential factors: the war in Ukraine, high inflation rate and worries about the development of the Czech crown’s exchange rate. That was what made investors consider more carefully what to invest in. The result is an increased interest of the Czechs in purchasing properties abroad.

Blog 2

Leading real estate companies of the world

Our real estate agency has become a member of the prestigious Leading Real Estate Companies of the World® (LeadingRE), which is home to the world’s first-rate independent real estate companies focused on premium properties.

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If you own a property, you must file your real estate tax return at the beginning of the year.

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There are so many properties on the market and you are looking for the right one. However, real estate websites and agencies offer an overwhelming number of properties. What can you do?

Blog 2

The International Montessori School of Prague (IMSP)

Learn more about the IMSP located in Prague 4 near the Westfiled Chodov shopping centre.

11-20 z 130 článků

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